Uses of Class

Packages that use FTPResponse
org.finj Core classes for finj project. 

Uses of FTPResponse in org.finj

Methods in org.finj that return FTPResponse
protected  FTPResponse FTPClient.processCommand(FTPCommand command)
          Do all the job required when processing an FTP command, returning the last response received from the server.
protected  FTPResponse FTPClient.processPostCommand(FTPCommand command)
          Do all the job required when processing an FTP command, returning the last response received from the server.
protected  FTPResponse FTPClient.readFTPResponse()
          Reads replies sent by FTP server on the control stream and notifies the observer (if it exists).

Methods in org.finj with parameters of type FTPResponse
protected  void FTPClient.broadcastResponse(FTPResponse response)
          Broadcasts the response received from the server to the current observer, if any.
 boolean FTPServerProfile.isCommandCompleted(FTPCommand command, FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
 boolean FTPServerProfile.isControlConnectionReady(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect after establishing the control connection with a server.
 boolean FTPServerProfile.isPostCommandCompleted(FTPCommand command, FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect to end a command that required a data connection setup and destruction.
 void FTPClientObserver.responseReceived(FTPResponse response)
          Method called when a response is received from the FTP server.
 void FTPClientAdapter.responseReceived(FTPResponse response)
          Method called when a response is received from the FTP server.

Uses of FTPResponse in org.finj.profile

Methods in org.finj.profile with parameters of type FTPResponse
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isABORCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isACCTCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isALLOCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isAPPECommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isCDUPCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
 boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isCommandCompleted(FTPCommand command, FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
 boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isControlConnectionReady(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect after establishing the control connection with a server.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isCWDCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isDELECommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isLISTCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isMKDCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isMODECommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isNLSTCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isNOOPCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isPASSCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isPASVCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isPORTCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isPostAPPECommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect to end the command that required a data connection setup and destruction.
 boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isPostCommandCompleted(FTPCommand command, FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect to end a command that required a data connection setup and destruction.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isPostLISTCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect to end the command that required a data connection setup and destruction.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isPostNLSTCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect to end the command that required a data connection setup and destruction.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isPostRETRCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect to end the command that required a data connection setup and destruction.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isPostSTORCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect to end the command that required a data connection setup and destruction.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isPostSTOUCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect to end the command that required a data connection setup and destruction.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isPWDCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isQUITCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isREINCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isRESTCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isRETRCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isRMDCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isRNFRCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isRNTOCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isSITECommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isSMNTCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isSTATCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isSTORCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isSTOUCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isSTRUCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isSYSTCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isTYPECommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.
protected  boolean StrictFTPServerProfile.isUSERCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
          Checks if the response is the last that one has to expect for the command.

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