Packages that use FTPResponse | |
org.finj | Core classes for finj project. |
org.finj.profile |
Uses of FTPResponse in org.finj |
Methods in org.finj that return FTPResponse | |
protected FTPResponse |
FTPClient.processCommand(FTPCommand command)
Do all the job required when processing an FTP command, returning the last response received from the server. |
protected FTPResponse |
FTPClient.processPostCommand(FTPCommand command)
Do all the job required when processing an FTP command, returning the last response received from the server. |
protected FTPResponse |
Reads replies sent by FTP server on the control stream and notifies the observer (if it exists). |
Methods in org.finj with parameters of type FTPResponse | |
protected void |
FTPClient.broadcastResponse(FTPResponse response)
Broadcasts the response received from the server to the current observer, if any. |
boolean |
FTPServerProfile.isCommandCompleted(FTPCommand command,
FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
boolean |
FTPServerProfile.isControlConnectionReady(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect after establishing the control
connection with a server. |
boolean |
FTPServerProfile.isPostCommandCompleted(FTPCommand command,
FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect to end a command that
required a data connection setup and destruction. |
void |
FTPClientObserver.responseReceived(FTPResponse response)
Method called when a response is received from the FTP server. |
void |
FTPClientAdapter.responseReceived(FTPResponse response)
Method called when a response is received from the FTP server. |
Uses of FTPResponse in org.finj.profile |
Methods in org.finj.profile with parameters of type FTPResponse | |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isABORCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isACCTCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isALLOCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isAPPECommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isCDUPCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isCommandCompleted(FTPCommand command,
FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isControlConnectionReady(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect after establishing the control
connection with a server. |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isCWDCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isDELECommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isLISTCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isMKDCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isMODECommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isNLSTCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isNOOPCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isPASSCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isPASVCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isPORTCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isPostAPPECommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect to end the command that
required a data connection setup and destruction. |
boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isPostCommandCompleted(FTPCommand command,
FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect to end a command that
required a data connection setup and destruction. |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isPostLISTCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect to end the command that
required a data connection setup and destruction. |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isPostNLSTCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect to end the command that
required a data connection setup and destruction. |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isPostRETRCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect to end the command that
required a data connection setup and destruction. |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isPostSTORCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect to end the command that
required a data connection setup and destruction. |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isPostSTOUCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect to end the command that
required a data connection setup and destruction. |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isPWDCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isQUITCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isREINCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isRESTCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isRETRCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isRMDCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isRNFRCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isRNTOCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isSITECommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isSMNTCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isSTATCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isSTORCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isSTOUCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isSTRUCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isSYSTCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isTYPECommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |
protected boolean |
StrictFTPServerProfile.isUSERCommandCompleted(FTPResponse response)
Checks if the response is the last that
one has to expect for the command . |